Now a days, website is every business need. But a super fast website is important one i.e website should loads quickly. Website speed also a ranking factor in Google
Everyone uses internet today, surf different websites for various purposes. People uses internet usually came across a term web design . Sometimes i have seen many people usually
When we need to filter any array then we use array_filter. array_filter — Filters elements of an array using a callback function. I have an array with some null values
Sometimes we need to convert mysql database in json values due to project requirement. JSON is JavaScript object notation. It’s very preferred over XML now a days because
JavaScript is very popular interactive web development scripting language used in 100% websites around WWW. JavaScript can be executed at different time intervals. This is called timing events.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to import excel to MySQL database. Many times we face such problems when an organization want to upload data from Microsoft
We had already discussed about Robots.txt in websites and their importance. Now, i am going to share some online websites that can help to create robots.txt for the websites.