How to create free MongoDB Atlas Free tier cluster ?

MongoDB is popular NOSQL database. MongoDB is now on cloud and any one can use MongoDB Atlas that was launched in 2016. MongoDB Atlas is one of the best thing given to developer community so developer can focus on their work not on managing database.

So, i will show the steps to create free account. First visit, MongoDB atlas .

Click on Try Free.  Then you will be on Download Center Page with 2 options – cloud and server. Go with the cloud and fill the form to deploy free cluster now.



When you will this form, then you will be move to Welcome Dialog box And you can start creating your first cluster. Click to start and you will be on dashboard. You can start by clicking Build a Cluster  and on left you can see checklist for connect to Atlas.



So, you will be on cluster configuration page once you click Build a Cluster.  Where you can choose cloud provider for your cluster between Azure , AWS and Google cloud.  Keep in mind to choose FREE TIER AVAILABLE region with M0 cluster that come with 512 mb storage and shared ram. You can also change cluster name.


Click on Create Cluster and your cluster will be deployed. In next blog, i will  show you how  to create a project under cluster, add user , give access to the project and how to connect database.

For any  queries, please write in comment section. i will try o assist you.

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